Let’s rewind to 2010.
I was working in a nice job, had a handsome husband, two intelligent, nice boys, a big house in the countryside, a station car in the garage, and a dog by the fireplace.

Sounded nice, right?

But it wasn’t.

I felt wrong.

I didn’t feel comfortable being me, I didn’t recognize the person I saw in the mirror.

So I started my decade-long journey in the search for answers.

I did everything the gurus asked me to do.

β€œYou’ve got to spend money on yourself to feel worthy,”

the gurus said.

So I went on another shopping spree.

β€œYou’ve got to feng shui your surroundings,”

another one said.

So I went on another course, spending more money.

β€œNothing will happen as long as you keep that name…It’s all wrong with your numbers! You attract problems!”

Numerology expert

Well, then I had to get rid of that, right?

I had felt wrong since getting my husband’s surname, so perhaps that was it, right?

β€œNo, no, you have to be on the right frequency, to get the life you want…”

Self-help Guru

I felt so stupid for not being able to do it right.

I listened to scarcity upon scarcity, but instead of feeling aligned, complete, and abundant, I felt more and more out of alignment.

I felt more like a Picasso than a Michelangelo.

What was wrong with me?

I hit rock bottom.

Just before the world went into lockdown.

A New Low

The lockdown was a real low for my business.

I lost between 1,500 and 2,000 dollars each and every month!

But it was also a relief.

It removed all the disturbing elements of my everyday life.

And forced me to see what was really important.

I lost faith in most of my gurus.

When they started to post Qanon-related stuff.

And it made me question if I could believe in everything else they’d told me?

The Wake-up Call

This was a serious wake-up call.

It was time for me to redefine my beliefs and find a new way.

I decided to listen to the nudges of my intuition and began an experiment to listen to my own feelings, what felt good and what felt bad.

I was scared, but I did it anyway.

Removed layer by layer and really listened.

Slowly, something unexpected happened:

  • I started losing weight
  • Yearlong pain in my body disappeared
  • Problems I had struggled with for years dissolved
  • I felt good, and…

I was happy!

Women started to ask me what I had done since I was shining.

Well, I want to share that with you, with everyone who wants to know their true self.

I call it…

The True Self Method

I combined my decades of experience with self-development, psychology, mental health, coaching, and change management with the pieces that most self-help gurus miss:

My Own True Voice.

The result was that I learned to listen to my own voice, and started to shed off all the layers people and society have laid on me for decades. It made me feel naked but free. And I got to learn the real me, the woman beneath the layers.

Getting to know the true me, to honor my feelings, has made an avalanche of changes in my life. After struggling to lose weight for a decade I finally found the diet that works for me. It doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to experts anymore. I just adjust their advice to fit me, my body, and my mind. The way I adjust is by listening to my feelings.

All the Questions

When the changes started to show on me because I lost a lot of weight because I started to feel well because I got rid of the pain in my body because I started to dress differently… I got a lot of questions from women around me:

“What did you do?”

“Wow! You look amazing! Have you lost weight?”

“You shine, woman. Are you in love?”

I did my best to answer the questions, to tell what I did. And finally, I sat down to figure out what exactly I did to get to where I am today.

I went through all my journals. Looked at all my notes. I made the puzzle piece by piece.

Together I call it the True Self Method. You can start your journey today if you want to get to know your true self.

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